15 January 2007

Official Website Launch!!

Today is the day!  We are officially finished with the website design and content, and we will officially launch it tomorrow, or whenever we have time.  It's been a joy putting this thing together - remembering the fun times as well as the almost-stressful moments of our wedding (we were never "officially" stressed).  Hopefully you we be able to share in our joy as you browse through the pictures. 

We had a vision of keeping in contact with everyone after the wedding and sending all our guests beautiful thank you cards with their pictures and them and.... well, needless to say, we got a little sidetracked and now, 6 months afterwards, we feel a little bit xấu hổ.  So this is the fulfillment of our vision, for now.  Enjoy the memories (if you didn't attend, we're sure you were there in spirit)... we sure did.


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